

QCi auth application v1.


Client for QCi’s auth API.

class qci_client.auth.client.AuthClient(*, url: str | None = None, api_token: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Used to authenticate to QCi applications.

Handles authentication against QCi cloud APIs.

  • url – url basepath to API endpoint, including scheme, if None, then falls back to QCI_API_URL environment variable
  • api_token – refresh token for authenticating to API, if None, then falls back to QCI_TOKEN environment variable
  • timeout – number of seconds before timing out requests, None waits indefinitely
property url: str
Return API URL.
property api_token: str
Return API token.
property timeout: float | None
Return timeout setting.
property access_tokens_url: str
URL used for obtaining access tokens.
property access_token_info: AccessTokensPostResponseBody
Return user’s access token info, retrieving anew when absent or expired.
property access_token: str
Return user’s access token, refreshing if expired or near expiration.
property expires_at_rfc3339: str
Return expiration of user’s access token.
property token_type: str
Return type of user’s access token.
property organization_id: str
Return user’s organization ID.
property user_id: str
Return user’s user ID.
property headers_without_authorization: dict
HTTP headers without bearer token in Authorization header, but with Content-Type, Connection, and optional X-Request-Timeout-Nano headers.
property headers: dict
HTTP headers with bearer token in Authorization header.
property headers_without_connection_close
Headers with cached bearer token, but without connection closing.
get_access_tokens_health() AccessTokensHealthGetResponseBody[source]
GET health.
get_access_tokens_version() AccessTokensVersionGetResponseBody[source]
GET version.
post_access_tokens() AccessTokensPostResponseBody[source]
Authorize user via refresh token used to retrieve finite-lived access_token.