Source code for emucore_direct.client

  • """
  • Client gRPC services for running on FPGA reservoir computer EmuCore developed by QCi.
  • """
  • import logging
  • import json
  • import time
  • from typing import List, TypedDict
  • import os
  • import grpc
  • from grpc._channel import _InactiveRpcError
  • import numpy as np
  • from . import emucore_pb2, emucore_pb2_grpc
  • from .utils import set_filter_coefficients, \
  • bytes_to_array, \
  • prep_input_data, \
  • message_to_dict
  • grpc_service_config = json.dumps(
  • {
  • "methodConfig": [
  • {
  • "name": [{"service": "EmuCore.EmuCoreService"}],
  • "retryPolicy": {
  • "maxAttempts": 5, # this is the max number of attempts
  • "initialBackoff": "0.2s",
  • "maxBackoff": "10s",
  • "backoffMultiplier": 2.5,
  • "retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE"],
  • },
  • }
  • ]
  • }
  • )
  • MAX_INPUT_SIZE = 20*1024*1024
  • # Why is it set to this length?
  • # modifies Electro-Optical Modulator (EOM) coefs
  • class StatusMessage(TypedDict):
  • """
  • Structure of responses for configuration requests to EmuCore device.
  • :param status: the status of the request
  • :param message: a description for the recieved status
  • """
  • status: int
  • message: str
  • class InactiveRpcError(Exception):
  • """Custom exception wrapper around grpc._channel._InactiveRpcError."""
  • class EmuCoreClient:
  • """
  • Provides services for accessing EmuCore server
  • :param ip_addr: the IP address of the gRPC server
  • :param port:
  • The port that the RPC server is running on
  • :param max_data_size: int
  • The max send and recieve message length for RPC server
  • .. note::
  • :code:`lock_id` is used by a variety of class functions.
  • It is set to an empty string by default since default for device server
  • :code:`lock_id` is also an empty string. This allows for single user
  • processing without having to acquire a device lock.
  • .. All GRPC calls follow a specific pattern:
  • .. 1. Fill in data to be sent in message stub
  • .. 2. Send data using stub service method
  • .. 3. Parse response
  • """
  • def __init__(
  • self,
  • ip_addr: str = os.getenv("DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS", "localhost"),
  • port: str = os.getenv("DEVICE_PORT", "50051"),
  • max_data_size: int =512 * 1024 * 1024,
  • ):
  • self._ip_add_port = ip_addr + ":" + port
  • self._channel_opt = [
  • ("grpc.max_send_message_length", max_data_size),
  • ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", max_data_size),
  • ("grpc.service_config", grpc_service_config),
  • ]
  • = grpc.insecure_channel(
  • self._ip_add_port, options=self._channel_opt
  • )
  • self.stub = emucore_pb2_grpc.EmuCoreServiceStub(
  • def check_lock(self, lock_id: str = "") -> dict:
  • """
  • Checks if submitted :code:`lock_id` has execution lock on the device
  • :param lock_id: a UUID which will be checked to determine if has exclusive
  • device execution lock
  • :return: a member of :class:`eqc_direct.utils.LockCheckStatus` as a dict:
  • - **status_code**: `int`- status code for lock check
  • - **status_desc**: `str`- a description for the associated status code
  • """
  • check_input = emucore_pb2.lock_message(lock_id=lock_id)
  • check_output = self.eqc_stub.check_lock(check_input)
  • return message_to_dict(check_output)
  • def reservoir_reset(self,
  • lock_id) -> StatusMessage:
  • """
  • Resets a reservoir instance by clearing RAM on the server
  • :param lock_id: a lock_id which has an active reserve on the device
  • :return:
  • dictionary with with values from members of
  • :class:`emucore_direct.types.StatusResponses`
  • """
  • reset_message = emucore_pb2.lock_message(lock_id=lock_id)
  • return message_to_dict(self.stub.reservoir_reset(reset_message))
  • def system_info(self) -> dict:
  • """
  • Provides system info on call
  • :return:
  • dict with following keys:
  • - **system_name**: `str`- product name
  • - **system_version**: `str`- server version
  • """
  • sys_info_resp = self.stub.system_info(emucore_pb2.empty_message())
  • return message_to_dict(sys_info_resp)
  • def acquire_lock(self) -> dict:
  • """
  • Attempts to acquire exclusive lock for submitting jobs
  • :return:
  • a member of :class:`emucore_direct.types.LockManageStatus` as a dict along
  • with an additional key :code:`lock_id`:
  • - **lock_id**: `str`- if acquired the current device `lock_id`
  • else empty string
  • - **status**: `int`- status code for lock id acquisition
  • - **message**: `str`- a description for the associated status code
  • """
  • try:
  • acquire_lock_resp = self.stub.acquire_lock(emucore_pb2.empty_message())
  • except _InactiveRpcError as exc:
  • raise InactiveRpcError(
  • "acquire_lock failed due to grpc._channel._InactiveRpcError."
  • ) from exc
  • return message_to_dict(acquire_lock_resp)
  • def release_lock(self, lock_id):
  • """
  • Releases exclusive lock for submitting data to reservoir
  • :param lock_id: a UUID with currently acquired exclusive device lock
  • :return:
  • a dict with the following keys:
  • - **lock_released**: `bool`- if released is True else False
  • - **message**: `str`- a description of release operation result
  • """
  • release_input = emucore_pb2.lock_message(lock_id = lock_id)
  • try:
  • release_lock_resp = self.stub.release_lock(release_input)
  • except _InactiveRpcError as exc:
  • raise InactiveRpcError(
  • "release_lock failed due to grpc._channel._InactiveRpcError."
  • ) from exc
  • return message_to_dict(release_lock_resp)
  • def rc_config(self,
  • lock_id: str,
  • vbias: float,
  • gain: float,
  • num_nodes: int,
  • num_taps: int) -> StatusMessage:
  • """
  • Configures reservoir model and how data will be processed by the reservoir.
  • :param lock_id: a lock_id which has an active reserve on the device
  • :param vbias: bias to apply to each node in reservoir. Range for parameter [0,1].
  • :param gain: memory setting for system how long should inputs effect reservoir similar
  • to beta in adaptive gradient descent range for parameter [0,1]
  • :param num_nodes: the total number of hidden nodes to instantiate within the reservoir,
  • a single hidden layer
  • :param num_taps: number of connections in reservoir, generally should be set to less
  • than the number of nodes in reservoir. Defines interconnection between nodes.
  • :return: dictionary with with values from one of the members of
  • :class:`emucore_direct.types.StatusResponses`
  • """
  • filter_coefs = set_filter_coefficients(num_taps=num_taps)
  • config_message = emucore_pb2.rc_config_message(lock_id=lock_id,
  • vbias = vbias,
  • gain = gain,
  • num_nodes = num_nodes,
  • num_taps = num_taps)
  • rc_status = self.stub.rc_config(config_message)
  • return message_to_dict(rc_status)
  • def rc_run(self,
  • lock_id: str,
  • reservoir_input: List[int],):
  • """
  • Runs a series of data through the reservoir and returns response from device
  • based on current reservoir configuration.
  • :param lock_id: a lock_id which has an active reserve on the device
  • :param reservoir_input: a list of digitized values to input to the reservoir must be
  • less than MAX_INPUT_SIZE
  • :return: a dictionary with the folowing keys:
  • - **status**: `int`- the status for the reservoir submission
  • - **message**: `str`- a description of the status for the submission
  • - **states**: `bytes`- response from reservoir as bytes.
  • """
  • assert MAX_INPUT_SIZE>=len(reservoir_input), \
  • f"Input to reservoir must be of less than or equal to {MAX_INPUT_SIZE} was {len(reservoir_input)}"
  • run_message = emucore_pb2.rc_run_message(lock_id=lock_id,
  • input = reservoir_input,)
  • rc_response = self.stub.rc_run(run_message)
  • return message_to_dict(rc_response)
  • def wait_for_lock(self):
  • """
  • Waits for lock indefinitely calling :func:`acquire_lock`
  • :return: a tuple of the following items:
  • - **lock_id**: `str`- exclusive lock for device execution with a timeout
  • - **start_queue_ts**: `int`- time in ns when began lock acquisition.
  • - **end_queue_ts**: `int`- time in ns when lock was acquired.
  • """
  • lock_id = ""
  • start_queue_ts = time.time_ns()
  • while lock_id == "":
  • lock_id = self.acquire_lock()["lock_id"]
  • # only sleep if didn't get lock on device
  • if lock_id == "":
  • time.sleep(1)
  • end_queue_ts = time.time_ns()
  • return lock_id, start_queue_ts, end_queue_ts
  • def process_all_data(self,
  • lock_id: str,
  • input_data: np.ndarray,
  • num_nodes: int,
  • density: float,
  • feature_scaling: float,
  • max_scale_val: float=None,
  • weights: np.ndarray=None,
  • seed_val_weights: int=13):
  • """
  • Run dataset through reservoir:
  • 1. Get lock
  • 2. Apply scaling and random weights mask to input data
  • 3. Run data through reservoir
  • 4. Combine data from reservoir responses and reshape based on number of nodes
  • 5. Release lock
  • :param lock_id: a UUID that currently has lock on the device
  • :param input_data: data or series to process via reservoir
  • :param num_nodes: the total number of hidden nodes to instantiate within the reservoir,
  • a single hidden layer (this is also used to apply random weights to to the data
  • as well as reshape data recieved from reservoir back to correct output dimension)
  • :param feature_scaling: after applying max abs scalar feature scaling factor applied
  • :param max_scale_val: max absolute value used to scale data if provided
  • :param seed_val_weights: seeds randomness for weigths to allow for reproducibility
  • :note: if doing multiple runs without reset the max value mustn't exceed original
  • data max value in order for results to be processed properly.
  • :return:
  • a tuple of the following elements:
  • - **reservoir_response**: `np.ndarray`- reservoir response represented as an array dimension of array will be nrows of input matrix by num nodes.
  • - **max_scale_value**: `np.ndarray`- the scaling value that was applied to the input data before it was processed by the reservoir.
  • - **weights**: `np.ndarray`- the weights that were used to apply the random mask to the data prior to being processed by the reservoir.
  • """
  • n_rows, n_cols = input_data.shape
  • input_packets, max_scale_val, weights = prep_input_data(
  • input_data=input_data,
  • num_nodes=num_nodes,
  • density=density,
  • feature_scaling=feature_scaling,
  • max_scale_val=max_scale_val,
  • weights=weights,
  • seed_val_weights=seed_val_weights)
  • try:
  • reservoir_resp = np.array([])
  • for i in input_packets:
  • packet_resp = self.rc_run(
  • lock_id=lock_id,
  • reservoir_input=i)
  • packet_bytes = bytearray(np.array(packet_resp["states"]))
  • packet_arr = bytes_to_array(input_bytes=packet_bytes)
  • reservoir_resp = np.concatenate((reservoir_resp, packet_arr),axis=0)
  • except Exception as err:
  • print("ERROR OCCURRED", err)
  • raise RuntimeError("Error while processing data") from err
  • return np.array(reservoir_resp).reshape(n_rows,num_nodes), max_scale_val, weights